Planting days 2025
This year’s public planting days will be on: Saturday 7 June, Saturday 21 June, and Sunday 13 July. Planting is from 10am to 1pm, followed by a free BBQ.
This year’s public planting days will be on: Saturday 7 June, Saturday 21 June, and Sunday 13 July. Planting is from 10am to 1pm, followed by a free BBQ.
Forty tīeke from TiriTiri Matangi were released into bush on the NZ Defence Force land on Saturday 26th of May, and a further 10 were moved from Tāwharanui on 14th and 15th of June. Strong winds on the day meant that the 3km transfer was made by helicopter rather than ferry. The catching team used…
The planned planting site for 2018 was changed after the storm in May 2017 which caused a major slip adjacent to the Lookout Track. This massive rainfall neared 200mm and this slip at the end of the airstrip was the major site of damage in the park. It is hoped that the plants will help…
Another 20 Little Spotted Kiwi kiwi were translocated from Kapiti Island in March. Here is a short video about their release.
EXTRA DAY: Sat 21 July Because of the forecast for bad weather on Sunday we are having an extra planting day this Saturday 21 July. Sunday is still on as planned, but if the weather is terrible again check our facebook page for a cancellation. 17 June, 15 & 22 July Public planting days for…
We now have 20 Little Spotted Kiwi back at Shakespear, 10 from Tiritiri Matangi and 10 from Kapiti. Here is a video about the powhiri for them, and their subsequent release. They are still being monitored daily and appear to be settling as expected.
Last-minute preparations are well under way for the arrival of Little Spotted Kiwi. Those coming from Tiri have all been located, measured and fitted with radio trackers so they can be easily found on the day of transfer. The same thing is happening on Kapiti, while at Shakespear there is a bit of frantic work…
In April last year 40 North Island robins (toutouwai) were re-introduced to Shakespear. Thirteen pairs established and have now completed their first breeding season with 34 chicks being raised. Kowhai Glen was the most productive area, producing 11 young. For some unknown reason the pairs in the apparently good habitat on the Defence Force land…
Shakespear Open Sanctuary is a sanctuary not only for birds and reptiles but also for rare and threatened plants. Pimelea orthia is one such plant. It is possible that the park’s pest free status is allowing its numbers to expand as well as the suitable habitat being present. The New Zealand Plant Conservation Network categorises…
Plans are well advanced for the reintroduction of Little Spotted Kiwi to Shakespear Open Sanctuary in 2017 . While SOSSI has made good progress in securing the necessary funds, we are still short of the our total (around $35,000) and so are seeking your support for this project. The smallest of our five kiwi species,…