The Shakespear Open Sanctuary Society Incorporated (“SOSSI”) is an incorporated society and registered charity established in 2004 for the purpose of assisting the Auckland Regional Council (now Auckland Council) with the establishment and development of the sanctuary. We work under a Memorandum of Agreement with the Auckland Council and work closely with Council staff on both an operational and a planning level. You can find out more about us by reading our constitution.
Our first task was to raise half of the money (then matched by the Council) needed to build the pest-proof fence. Now that the fence is completed and pests have been removed from the Sanctuary, SOSSI’s broad aim is “the conservation and enhancement of the natural, recreational, historic and cultural features and values” of the Sanctuary. Our primary roles include working on predator control, promoting and enhancing the Sanctuary and raising funds for the re-introduction of new species.
We have committed to raising around 10,000 new plants every year for re-vegetation planting so there is lots of work to be done and new volunteers are most welcome to help. Volunteers are also needed for a wide range of other tasks. See the Volunteer page for more information.