The range of habitats present in Shakespear Park provides homes to many bird species. The absence of predators in the sanctuary has led to increasing numbers of kererū, tūī and many ground nesting birds such as pūkeko and peihana/pheasant. It is also benefiting other species and has allowed the reintroduction of other birds which cannot tolerate any introduced predators. Already some birds from Tiritiri Matangi such as kakariki and bellbirds are finding the park a good place to live.
A full list of birds seen in the Sanctuary can be found here and a coloured chart with pictures of the more common birds is here. You can find out more about these birds at New Zealand Birds Online.
A slow walk up Waterfall Gully will reveal kererū and tūī feeding on the nectar and fruit of the mature forest. Tīeke, korimako and hihi may also be seen and their characteristic calls heard, but they are present in smaller numbers. Tīeke, pōpokatea and toutouwai feed on invertebrates collected from the ground or among the tree canopy. Ruru/moreporks are breeding well in the valleys and are the dominant predator both of other birds reptiles and invertebrates. The regrowth of vegetation around the forest edges provides great habitat for pīwakawaka/fantail, riroriro/grey warbler and tauhou/silvereye.
Pahirini/chaffinch, manu pango/blackbird and manu-kai-hua-rakau/song thrush are three introduced birds which have also made the forest and margins their home.
Sometimes confused with kākāriki is the brightly coloured kākā uhi whero/eastern rosella, an introduced parakeet of similar size. The much larger kākā are occasional visitors to the park.
The transformation of the Okoromai Bay wetland from pasture to wetland forest and saltmarsh has seen an increase in the number of bird species living there. The more visible birds include pūkeko, rakiraki/mallard, kuruwhengi/shoveller and pūtangitangi/paradise shelduck, while more elusive are the pāteke/brown teal, pūweto/spotless crake and moho pererū/banded rail. In the saltmarsh area poaka/pied stilts frequently nest and many roost at high tide. Other smaller areas of wetland, such as the valley behind the campground, are also important homes for pūweto and moho pererū. The ‘duck-pond’ at the entrance to Waterfall Gully is a good viewing place for wetland birds and warou/swallows often feed over its open water.

A range of birds occupy the coast and adjacent waters. Like those of other habitats, coastal birds of Shakespear Park suffered a range of fates due to predator invasion. Many have remained relatively common while others (tūturiwhatu/NZ dotterel) became uncommon and the petrels and penguins which once nested in the park became locally extinct.
However, tūturiwhatu and tōrea pango/variable oystercatcher now breed successfully around Te Haruhi and Okoromai Bays although the popularity of the park causes them some disturbance and breeding success is lower than it could be. The tidal flats of Okoromai Bay attract wading birds, kotare/kingfisher, poaka/pied stilt, and occasionally pohowera/banded dotterel. Kakīānau/black swans are always just offshore and matuku moana/white-faced herons are common. A pair of kakīānau often nest at Te Haruhi. Kāruhiruhi/pied shag nest in pōhutukawa over the cliffs.
A range of birds have benefited from the open country farmland and rough areas within the sanctuary. Among these are natives such as the pūtangitangi/paradise shelduck and pūkeko which enjoy pasture as much as wetland. However, most are introduced birds which don’t need our help to thrive but add to the variety of birds in the park while not greatly affecting native species.
Peihana/pheasant, tikaokao/California quail and kuera/brown quail have done well since predator control began, peihana making a common sight from the road. Kairaka/skylark numbers have risen and their song is commonly heard across the farmland.
Hurukōwhai/yellowhammer, goldfinch and greenfinch are common and form flocks during winter often with large numbers of tiu/sparrows. Larger birds include the kāhu/Australasian harrier, maina/myna, spur-winged plover and occasional makipai/magpies. For many visitors to the park, though, the most memorable bird is also the largest – the group of pīkao/peafowl living in Te Haruhi Bay.